Sunday, January 11, 2015

Welcome to 2015-- But at my age...

At this stage of my life, closing fast on SIXTY, one year’s as good as the next. That’s not to say there are not good years and bad. My faith and trust in God makes room for Him to be who He is and DO what He does.
So, if in my estimation the year has not been so pleasant, it has still been good. This is not some nanny-nanny-wiggle-my-hands-with-my-thumbs-stuck-in-my-ears kind of blindness to the facts. I’m just confident in God’s ability to use it for the best. As the verse says “we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8:28.
On that token it’s been a good year and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
2015 are you kidding me? I grew up in my early years reading science fiction that had all the future stuff set in the 1980s. Bizarre.
My little boy is almost four now, and his sense of wonder at the world around him never ceases to increase my own. He has an uncanny fascination with dark holes, drainpipes, caves and the unknown.

2014 will ever be known as the year I published my first novel, No More Mister Nice Guy, which you can find at Smashwords and all the big eBook retailers. It hasn’t been flying off the shelves, but it has received some good honest four and five star reviews.
I’ve also put out five very cool, if I do say so myself, short stories.

There have been 2000+ downloads and counting, and for that I am grateful.
I’m working on my second book, Taking Jericho, an account of how I went from Outlaw Biker to founding an inner city ministry. It is a wild and crazy tale. The tag line for the book is, climbing the odds against your life to finally shout the victory. I hope to have it done before summer so I can work on a book of short stories, Modern Myths from and Urban Mystic.
My biggest wish is that I would have the time to get as much reading and writing done as I would like. The amazing world around us is filled with so many remarkable people, never lack for inspiration. My problem is sorting out what to work on next. It is new stories and ideas that seem to get in the way of that next book.
I hope you get all your dreams this year.

Happy New Year one and all! I wish you all the best in your writing endeavors in 2015.

If you'd like to leave a comment and find the form tedious you can comment on my twitter feed @mikeyznsacto or Facebook M. Matheson

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